Friday, February 25, 2005

a play with words

Was just listening to the album 40 Acres by yes...Caedmon's Call AGAIN (haha!) and I came across this really cool rendition of John 3:16.


For You so loved the unlovable
That You gave the ineffable
That who so believes the unbelievable
Will gain the unattainable.

- from the song, There You Go by Caedmon's Call


Compare it with the "original version".


For God so loved the world
That He gave His only begotten Son
That whoever believes in Him
Shall not perish but have eternal life.

- John 3:16, New American Standard Bible


There you go (pun not intended), the message of the Christian faith in a nutshell. Funny how we seem to make it so complicated at times. It's a message...

...of love shown
...of grace extended
...of hope given

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