Friday, April 03, 2009

traveling at 2 km/h

You uttered those words as we were walking together to the LRT station this morning. Words that made me reminisce a little and smile. These were more or less the same words spoken by me to you several months back, and they were now coming back like a boomerang in full 180-degree turn to hit me. This time, I was on the receiving end.
“It sometimes takes a situation like this to force us to slow down and appreciate the things around us” [paraphrased]
It sometimes takes a sudden jolt to make us realise that we sometimes run such hectic routines. We get so caught up running our races that we forget to take time out to smell the roses.
The last couple of days since Tuesday really forced me to slowwwww down, like it or not.
I was immobile - No car. One good leg. I was pretty much rendered a dependent.
But despite the various inconveniences that I was subjected to, I am really truly thankful for the whole experience. I am thankful for friends who graciously fetched me around from place to place; who checked on me to see how I was doing; who brought me to see the tit-dar man to fix my leg; who offered to tapau food for me; who opened their houses to me to stay; who lent a supporting shoulder when I needed one and who even carried me over puddles of water when my leg was all bandaged up. Above all, I am thankful to God for enriching me with the experience. It was tough looking for the silver lining within the overhanging clouds but today I can say that the experience has allowed me to enjoy even more of Your blessings.
So thank you…and thank You.