Wednesday, September 29, 2004

in a pickle

It rained last night...although I actually only noticed it this morning when I was about to leave the house. For a brief moment, I was at a crossroad...and a tricky one too. Should I go on MC today? After all, I am "sick" right? I've been sneezing like crazy for the last two days! Yeahh, I'm probably sick. Am I? Is my forehead feeling a little warmer than usual? Not quite, but it's probably bound to get worse later, especially with this rain! How about that dang throat? Barely an itch. Rats.

Would I have been able to get an MC under my circumstances? If I lied, maybe. But that wouldn't have been right then, would it?

"Beep beep"

I unlocked my car.

Shifted the gear into reverse.

Out of the driveway, and off to work.

Hello Wednesday.

Monday, September 27, 2004

hello world!

Can you see this??