Sunday, October 03, 2010


I'm typing this looking back at the NOJ event with fond memories; memories that go further back than just last night. It's been a great experience working with the cast and the rest of the crew over the last few months, culminating with our debut performance last night.

It was a a great learning experience for all of us. I saw actors mature and people rising up to the occasion. I developed a few tricks, myself too. Heh. Overall, I think we had great fun and grew closer as a team.

As such, I was a little disappointed that our performances last night and earlier this morning seemed all too conclusive after all the effort that everyone had put in. It was then that I was told that we have been invited by Subang Jaya Gospel Centre to showcase NOJ at their Rise to the Challenge a.k.a. R2dC Youth Conference later this year. Praise God for that!

Well, auditions are also open for NOJ 2: The Wrath of Luci.


Every blessing you pour out, I'll turn back to praise. 


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