Wednesday, October 20, 2004

on a Wednesday morning

Saw this emblazoned on the cover of a spare tyre behind a popular four-wheel drive...

"Nissan Teranno is for the car enthusiast who wants to feel the beat of life in his own life"

"Feel the beat of life in his own life" what is that supposed to mean? Talk about a silly...AND TACKY slogan for a vehicle.

Anyway, I just realised that I've been SO BUSY of late that I've actually not updated my blog in quite awhile. Now, that's certainly a disservice to my faithful readers, right...ha! Btw, I received a surprise e-mail from an "old" friend (ok ok...not that "old" actually..hehe) yesterday saying that he had discovered my little presence on the world wide web. This is what he had to say..."Definitely a very interesting read and I get an automatic update on what's going on in the life of jv without even making a call. Your entries are actually quite engaging". Well Mr L, I would like to hope so too...haha ;)

Anyone interested in a little Bible quiz? Hehe...I'm presently setting test questions for my Sunday School Standard Sixers. Kinda having "fun" with it also. Certainly beats preparing for the usual Sunday lessons...or maybe it's just a nice break from the usual routine. Here's a taste of what they'll be getting this Sunday...

1. Then I will take you for My people, ______________________, and you shall know that ____________________ (Exodus 6:7)

(a) and you will be like gods; I am the Lord your God
(b) and I will be your God; you shall have eternal life
(c) and you will be like gods; you shall have eternal life
(d) and I will be your God; I am the Lord your God

2. John the Baptist was clothed with ___________ and wore a ___________ around his waist (Mark 1:6)

(a) cotton garments; snake
(b) sack cloth; cotton belt
(c) camel's hair; leather belt
(d) sheep's skin; leather belt

3. I (John the Baptist) baptised you with __________ but He (Jesus Christ) will baptise you with __________ (Mark 1:8)

(a) water; the Holy Spirit
(b) water; fire
(c) the Holy Spirit; water
(d) fire; water

4. What was the occupation of Simon, Andrew, James and John (disciples of Jesus Christ)?

(a) Jewish priests
(b) tax collectors
(c) carpenters
(d) fishermen

Pretty easy huh? Should I up the level a little? Did you get all of them? No checking your Bibles! Gasing folk...hope I don't hear of a black market for the test questions =p

I'm only up to question 6 at the moment. It's still a long way to go.


szeyen said...

hmm i think the 'smarter' of more hardworking ones will probably know the answers,the other monkeys wont i guess lol

Unknown said...

yeahh...i already know the ones will do well and the ones who prob won't...but it will be interesting to see the results =)

anyway, i heard this monkey from my class ripped up the youth camp publicity handout in front of u...what happened laa??

szeyen said...

i dont know really!
he juz took it and tore it,gave it back to me
i was like:'what the?'
he said:'what?i dont want wert'..and juz walked away...

szeyen said...

i dont know really!
he juz took it and tore it,gave it back to me
i was like:'what the?'
he said:'what?i dont want wert'..and juz walked away...

Unknown said...

ohhhhh...this boy is gonna get it at youth camp man. Yup, he'll be there alright...whether he wants or not ;) He prob thinks he's all high and mighty now being standard 6...biggest among all the smaller kids. Even tried to bully a Std 5 kid on Sunday...right in front of me summore! Wait until next year...muahahahahah

Now I'm really wishing I could go for youth camp...rats.