Tuesday, January 30, 2007

dropping in on '07

To those who were wondering if I had died since 22 September 2006 (the date of my last post), I hereby declare that I am very much alive and kicking. Go ahead...jump for joy! Or cover yourself with sackcloths and mourn!

Well, it's a brand new year and a brand new post! I guess I did toy with the idea of recapping the happenings of the last 4 months or so...Bangkok, Christmas, youth camp, memories and all...but I eventually passed on the idea, which was probably the wisest thing I've done so far this year. Attempting to would have been bordering insanity, although I must stress that I really COULD if I wanted to.

Yeah, tell me about it. I'm mad.

This morning, Col 1:13-14 stuck out like a sore thumb as I was doing some readings; and I quote from the NIV:-
For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
My thoughts immediately went out to events that were unfolding around me, to honest confessions from broken hearts... where people were feeling judged and condemned for the things that they had done, where relationships were suffering, where feelings of unworthiness sometimes overwhelmed, where constant struggles with sin were the order of the day.

And THERE it was this morning. And so crystal clear too. That God has truly rescued us from the deepest and darkest pits of our lives. And it doesn't stop there. Instead of judging us, He invites us into His kingdom, where there is no condemnation for us who are in Christ, where there is forgiveness, and where we ultimately find ourselves redeemed.

Pretty good stuff huh? =)

So if you happen to have started off the year on a bad note, chin up. As old cliché goes...when you are down, the only way to go is up.

Up, up and awayyy!!